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Oconto Gospel Chapel February 2nd, 2025 Message

Pastor Adam Sellen

“The Love of God” John 3:1-18

The Apostle John captures one of the most impactful conversations in all of Scripture—the conversation between Nicodemus and Jesus.  While Nicodemus wanted to find out more about who Jesus is and the source of the miracles He performed, Jesus had other plans, and addressed His purpose and passion for all of humanity—the desire to save!  But why does God want to save us?  Why did Jesus come to the earth?  It’s quite simple—He did it out of a deep love for us.  The question for us—do we know and experience this amazing love of God? 

Oconto Gospel Chapel January 19th, 2025 Message

Pastor Adam Sellen

“The Sovereignty of God”

There’s a question that I’m often asked as a pastor, and it goes like this: “If God is so powerful and loving, why do bad things happen to good people?”  This is a fascinating question—one that is actually asking many theological questions.  Yet at the core of the issue, the person is asking if God is in control?  If He’s in charge, and He’s loving and powerful, why do these things seem to be out of control?  As we continue in the “40 Days of Prayer” we’re going to answer this question—is God in control and over all things?  I’m excited to unpack this with you all.

Oconto Gospel Chapel January 12th, 2025 Message

Pastor Adam Sellen

“Unchangeable” Isaiah 40:21-31

Do you like change?  While a certain amount of change can be fun and exciting, most of us like it when things are familiar and can be counted on.  Yet we live in a world that is marked by change and uncertainty–in one minute life is running smoothly, and the next everything is in chaos.  While the world might be ever changing, where can we go to find our bearings; someone that never changes?  As we continue in our 40 Days of Prayer, we will bring our focus to the God who is “Unchangeable.”

Oconto Gospel Chapel January 5, 2025 Message

Pastor Adam Sellen

“The Holiness of God” Isaiah 6:1-7

Happy New Year!  Did you set any New Year’s Resolutions, or as I like to call them “goals”?  I did.  I set the normal ones–get in better shape and lose weight, eat cleaner foods, get our finances working better for us.  But I also set some spiritual goals, such as living an attentive life with God more effectively.  But if I’m going to live an attentive life, an important part of it is having a deep, intimate knowledge of God. This is where the 40 Days of Prayer comes in.  Each week, we will look at a different aspect of God’s nature and character, leading us to a greater relationship with Him.  This week we will gaze on God’s holiness–what is it, and how it impacts our walk with Him.

Oconto Gospel Chapel December 29, 2024 Message

Kevin Layne Kuhn, Youth Ministry Director

“Burn the Ships”

Oconto Gospel Chapel December 22, 2024 Message

Rev. Adam Sellen

“What Can I Give Him?”

One of the more fascinating parts of the Christmas story is the story of the Wise Men from Matthew 2.  These men, who were Gentile astrologers and not Jewish believers, noticed a message that came from God and had to find this child who was born “King of the Jews”.  We know that they gave this child gifts–gold, frankincense, and myrrh–but is that all that they gave?  Join us as we see a lesson from the wise men that answers the question, “What can I give to Jesus this Christmas?”

Oconto Gospel Chapel December 15, 2024 Message

Rev. Adam Sellen

“Peace Ushered In”

 In the Christmas classic, “How the Grinch Stole Christmas”, one of the things that motivated the Grinch to stop Christmas from coming to Whoville was all the noise it brought.  It’s no secret that we live in a world full of noise–and this is no accident.  In fact, noise is one of the tools the devil uses to rob us of divine peace and the ability to hear God.  The same can be said of this week’s carol, “I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day”.  So how can we quiet the noise to hear Jesus through it all?  Join us as we unpack this and see Jesus usher in peace.


Oconto Gospel Chapel December 8, 2024 Message

Rev. Adam Sellen


Have you ever forgotten something very important?  Most of us have at one point or another.  There are different tools and strategies we can use to help us remember the important things–calendar, planner, apps on your phone, post-it notes–just to name a few.  There is another way to help us remember what’s important in the life of faith–creeds.  As we rejoin our Advent message series, “Let Heaven and Nature Sing,” the carol that we will consider this week was written to help children remember a very important truth that will have a dramatic impact on our lives–who Jesus really is.

Oconto Gospel Chapel December 1, 2024 Message

Rev. Adam Sellen

“Pure Joy”

Luke 2:8-14
One of the beautiful parts that I love about the Advent season is the Christmas mu-sic–but what makes Christmas music so wonderful? Not only is it beautiful, but the music proclaims amazing truth about the person and work of Jesus. Our Advent Message series this year is entitled “Let Heaven and Nature Sing”. In it we’ll be taking a look at the messages of these beloved carols and hearing the truth of Jesus being declared in these melodies. Join us this week as we unpack how Jesus brought us good news of great joy for all the world in one of the greatest Christmas hymns there is–Joy to the World

Oconto Gospel Chapel November 24, 2024 Message

Rev. Adam Sellen


I Thessalonians 5:18

What do you have to be thankful for?  This is a question that we will be asked many times over the next few days.  If we stop to count our blessings, we’d run out of paper recording all the ways God has blessed us.  As we continue our series “Giving Thanks with a Grateful Heart”, we’re going to see instances of the people in Scripture giving thanks and what they’re thankful for.  My prayer is that through seeing thanksgiving written all over the pages of the Bible, it would inspire us to give thanks in all circumstances.

251 Michigan Ave., Oconto, WI 54153
(920) 835-2330 | office@ocontogospelchapel.com

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