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Thanksgiving Eve Service

Join us for a Thanksgiving Eve Service on November 27th at 6 pm. There will be a pie social to follow; you are welcome to bring a pie to contribute.

Operation Christmas Child

What is it?

The mission of Operation Christmas Child is to demonstrate God’s love in a tangible way to children in need around the world. Through this project, Samaritan’s Purse partners with the local church worldwide to share the Good News of Jesus Christ and make disciples of the nations.  If you would like to participate in this ministry, you can pick up an OCC Box from the back of the church. If you have a shoebox at home, it can be used as well. Filled boxes are due back to the church on 11/24.

Click below to be taken to the Operation Christmas Child webpage.

Sunday Evening Bible Study

There are times in life when the Bible and Real Life issues collide, leaving us with questions. Join us at 6 pm starting October 6th as we unpack some of these intersecting moments and how God works through them.

Questions? Contact Pastor Adam @ office@ocontogospelchapel.com.

Thursday Morning Ladies’ Bible Study

The Ladies’ Thursday morning Bible study meets @ 9 am in the Family Room at the church. The ladies will be Continuing their study in Acts, “Awakening to God” by Melissa Spoelstra. Questions? Please contact the church office.

Jr. & Sr. High Youth Group

The Youth Group is for youth grades 6th-12th and meets regularly at 6pm on Wednesday nights during the school year. Youth are welcome to join at any time. Questions? Contact Youth Ministry Director Kevin Kuhn at kevin@ocontogospelchapel.com.

Wednesday Night Bible Club

The Wednesday Night Bible Club/ AWANA meets at 6pm each Wednesday night during the school year.

2 years prior to 5k:

Following Jesus while learning to love God through bible stories, crafts, songs and games!!

Kindergarten – 2nd grade:

Learning the books of the bible, navigating through the bible to find verses, following Jesus while learning to love God through bible stories; all while having fun!!

3rd – 5th grade:

Truth and training: Find and explore the AWANA verses, answer the verses’ meanings, following Jesus while learning to love God through bible stories; all while having fun!!

Kids can join any time during the year. If you would like to sign your child up, you can click on the form below to sign up online, or call the church office.

Sermon Based Small Groups

Sermon based small groups will conclude at the end of November. Contact the church at office@ocontogospelchapel.com for more information or to join one next spring.

251 Michigan Ave., Oconto, WI 54153
(920) 835-2330 | office@ocontogospelchapel.com

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